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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


26 October 2003 19:16

wriggling like a puppy everytime food gets put on the table

watching more tv than i have in months and laughing hysterically through all the tv ads.

reading and reading and reading and reading.

walking and hikin and biking and hiking some more.

that strange time when two days ago it smelled like snow and winter was clearly on its way but now it smells like warm rain and the last lingering bits of summertime then a brief rainshower brings nothing but the smell of leaves and water. fall.

autumn. the leaves still being on the trees in mid october. and being colorful.

seeing the milky way.

seeing the milky way from the perspective of lying in the middle of the road.

shooting stars and everything they carry with them.

reheated coffee mixed with milk and nestle quik.

big rocks.

sitting on the rock overlooking the valley and beginning to follow my breath. following my breath until i feel like clear water. or at least as if clear water could run through me, uncontaminated.

yeah, clear water.