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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


09 October 2003 17:43

argh. i cant believe its thursday. all week ive thought it was thursday and now it really is.

you know what rocks? the starbucks discount for people who use their own cup. a grande cafe misto, usually more than two bucks, costs me $1.80 with the cup discount. awesome.

but yeah. thursday.

i just saw one of the strangest spiders ive ever seen in my life here in galvin. crawling across the floor. it had bright red legs. i dont feel safe here anymore.

but yeah. thursday.

no beer pong tonight. just plenty of time to write paragraphs for english class. since ive already done the reading. and the only other things due tomorrow are my lab reports. which ive heard are mostly qualitative anyway.

and now that everything here is under control. i have time to sit back and think. which in a sense is bad. at the beginning of the school year the strategy was to keep myself busy enough so that i wouldnt think about how much i hate it here.

well, i havent succeeded. how i havent succeeded, i really dont know!

its like in the past couple days, something in me just said "oh, im at notre dame. shit." and just kinda left it at that.

::sighs:: im tired. and i dont wanna go to band for recording. yay for pittsburgh this weekend!