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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


10 September 2003 09:04

ok. i guess i got a few things resolved. like some kind of homework group for quantum.

and a few more things unresolved. like why my contact lenses hurt, and why i developed a cough. i shouldnt be sick yet, i havent been pushing myself nearly hard enough to make myself sick.

as ive mentioned to a few people, i like to think of my smapum patch on my messenger bag as being progressively retro. right now, people see the patch and they might think, the smashing pumpkins? didnt they break up? theyre so over. sooooo 1996. but in a few years (. . . or decades) someone might see the patch and go hey, the smashing pumpkins! i remember them, they were pretty cool. wow, i wonder where she managed to find that old patch? heheheh. progressively retro.

yeah. like all the preteens in london wearing kurt cobain tshirts. please! it was 1994! you were, what, a toddler at best? i honestly never thought id see kids my junior by only ten years or less idolizing kurt cobain. i always thought itd be two decades, at least.

im planning on going to camp for fall break. im very excited.