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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


08 September 2003 21:56

grrrr physics.

oh im sorry. that should be grrrr math.

im such a fucking failure. i cant even start my quantum mechanics homework. and i know its not hard. well, not hard for other people at least. for me, i dont even know where to start. its working with equations i last saw in the spring of my sophomore year. ive done, well, copied nearly the same problems before, i should be able to do this.

but i fucking cant. the equations are all just pretty squiggles to me, they dont mean anything at all to me. now i have no examples to work from, and havent found help in any integral tables, and have zero confidence in any math skills of my own.

this isnt hard for other people. but i just want to cry.

why cant i do math?

this class is going to be heavy on theory, i can tell. and that means i have the possibility of failing it.
