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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


02 September 2003 01:18

right. yes. im back. hell yeah.

so i had an interview this morning for a research assistant position in the biology department. and as she was wrapping up the interview, she asked, so do you like notre dame?


i mean, what do you do? be honest and say no? lie and say what they expect to hear?

i couldnt lie. i gave my standard answer of i like band, i like physics, and notre dame, well, its in the midwest. lets leave it at that, shall we?

the prof in question is new to nd, did undergrad work at u of michigan but then lived in san francisco for six years. she swore she wouldnt come back to the midwest, but thats where the best job offer was and well, having grown up here she says she understands it. but she acknowledged that There Are Things About The Midwest.

but really. theres been enough bitching about notre dame and the midwest in this journal (even their fun is formulaic!) and its time to move on.

my room in my apt is slowly shaping up. i managed to pick up my clothes today and soon enough ill put away my books, arrange my desk, and decorate. how many weeks have i been here? yeah.

its also been tough adjusting to a schedule of living off campus and trying to reduce the number of times i need to drive to the apt and back to campus. today it was three. but i have the excuse of changing my clothing, cause i dressed up for the interview, comfy for class, and shorts for band. but no, it doesnt really sound much better to admit that i came to campus three times today in three different outfits.

im also having problems remembering where ive parked my car once i get to campus. oh well.