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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


25 July 2003 10:30

i read the preface to my quantum mechanics book. and im a little intimidated. they keep talking about how some people can DO quantum mechanics, but no one really UNDERSTANDS quantum mechanics. and its still really difficult for people to do, because its so counterintuitive to everything else in physics.

this does not bode well for someone like me, who usually relies on being able to understand something to some degree before she can do it.

so im kinda hoping against hope that ill have some kind of strange quantum mechanics intuition. its so unlikely though, cause i couldnt even develop an intuition for the math strategies involved in classical mechanics. but there were a number of strikes against me in that class anyway. a) i hadnt had differential equations yet and b) it was shephard teaching the class. slimy. but then again, if quantum mechanics is really so far removed from anything else in classical mechanics, does it matter that i didnt do well there? couldnt it in fact mean i might develop a better intuition for quantum mechanics since i dont have any classical mechanics junking up my head?

and why am i taking astrophysics anyway? oh yeah, cause i can. i hope i havent overloaded myself this semester.