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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


22 July 2003 10:51

i am so glad i havent gone into the lab yet today. ive gotten so much more accomplished around the dorm, and i havent been infected by the sit around and wait syndrome that i seem to get in the lab. ill prolly go in after lunch, and if theyre measuring then, hooray! and if not, ill be motivated enough by having done so much already this morning that ill hopefully write some kind of outline for my reu paper.

im definitely some kind of morning person. when im not dreading going into the lab, i get all sorts of things done like laundry, washing dishes, catching up on emails, taking out the trash, tidying up, etc. plus, i got to enjoy the drummers circle out in fieldhouse mall from 9:30 to 10:30. it appears to be a group of high school kids here for some kind of summer camp, and i can hear them from my window. that was happy.

other things im thinking about getting done today are reading the tuesday science section of the new york times, practicing trumpet, and balancing my checkbook. of course, it helps that im no longer devoted to reading harry potter every moment im not in lab, since i succeeded in finishing it last night.

isnt grace amazing?