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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


20 July 2003 21:32

another oh so busy weekend. and my nails are getting too long to comfortably type.

fermilab on friday with the biggest dick of a high school teacher EVER. this guy obviously loves being a high school teacher because a) hes still in high school and b) he gets authority over everyone else in the high school. yes, this is the same guy who proclaimed "there are NO recycling bins" a few entries back. he sat in the back of the bus and played magic the gathering and blared a megaphone at us. he did manage, however, to pick up some scintillating plastic rods from a trash heap in a random lab and give them to each of us as a parting gift. they are indeed Pretty Darn Cool.

then on saturday i went to play at the football team's tackle the arts event at the south bend public library. it felt so good to participate in a band function again. i luuuurve band, so much. and yes, our football players CAN read. people sometimes speculate that were limiting our athletic program's success by requiring silly things from our athletes like literacy.

today us reuers (hah, now theres a word) went canoeing. i loved it, i miss being on the river more than i thought i would. i must have a kayak of my own sometime.

yeah so its been a busy weekend. and ive just been killing time before i go to mass.