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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


17 July 2003 14:36

ive got to ditch this feeling that im not doing anything, or more accurately, that im not doing enough. i guess since im doing everything quite leisurely and at my own pace, im plagued by this lack of pressure from deadlines and such.

cause i know that its not true, that i have been doing things. i went to ohio. i had friends visit. we have field trips. im organizing a canoe trip and asking about seeing the summer shakespeare play. ive got a friend coming in this weekend. im tutoring someone tonight. im reading lots of books. im writing in here. im just not feeling any kind of crunch on my time and resources, and i interpret this as "not doing enough."

i blame this on my mother.

im not in the lab again. the laser isnt lasing and i see no reason to hover over mireks shoulder while he tilts every mirror this way and that, and dusts each lens for the millionth time. i read my textbook for most of the morning. i forced myself to read it, before i allowed myself to go to lunch. im almost done with all the parts that are relevant to my thesis. i left a little bit for later.

tomorrow is fermilab! yay! four hour bus ride without someone to sleep on! boo! but hey, at least this time ill prolly get a good nights sleep beforehand, and read some more and play a few good games of quiddler.

now the real question is should i read harry potter, magic knight rayearth, or write an outline for my reu paper? hm.