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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


16 July 2003 15:45

why do thinking and doing seem to be mutually exclusive, at least in the past few weeks? in the vacuum of having anything to do that ive experience since jesse left, i feel like ive been neglecting all kinds of serious thought, havent been writing, havent been contemplating. i just feel like i got so caught up in doing stuff, lab stuff, people stuff, that i stopped writing and thinking for myself. my paper journal has lain untouched for weeks.

learning from christa! Pissy's Sindarin Lesson #1: yeah! christas gonna teach me a bit of elvish. how fun.

i only go to work maybe four hours a day this week, and do nothing productive there. so the rest of my time is mostly spent reading harry potter or sitting in front of my computer. neither of which ever seems particularly productive cause im taking harry potter very slowly, and im usually compulsively checking away messages on my computer and not much else ::is disgusted with herself for admitting that::

and sleeping an awful lot. we got to bed really early in this room. and i dont get up until after meg, and i dont go to work until way after meg does. so i feel like a slug. and my body reinforces that too, cause its complaining about never moving from this chair, either. ah well.

so what do i do? continue to sit here and satiate my desire to write by blathering in here. glerb.