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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


07 July 2003 21:34

wow. i surprised myself when i noticed it had been so long since i last updated. so i should update. on the other hand, i just came back from reu dinner so im kinda tired. no update?

but thoughts from yoga time. for some reason i was thinking about the idea that our natural state as human beings is union with god, but through sin our orientation towards god is changed. so we spend our lives trying to get back to a state of union with god, or heaven. i chose this as my focus during the yoga practice today, and the question which kept recurring in my mind throughout was 'what are we?' and if today's yoga practice is any indication of an answer, i am weak. i was literally dripping with sweat halfway through, and my muscles shook with fatigue after so many lunge positions. weak, traditionally identified with the human condition, human nature, and our separation from god. hrm.

but i really like the idea that our natural state is one of union with god, and that god is not something fundamentally separate from us. and it is only this separation through the presence of evil in the world that muddles the human conception of god and creates god as something separate from us.

i also really like how our yoga instructor emphasizes that yoga cannot fix what is wrong in your life, it can only make you aware of yourself as you are now. what you do in your life manifests itself on the mat, and its up to you to take what you learn on the mat and apply it to your everyday life.

were actually doing stuff in the lab now and we think we might have found something to present at the conference in september, which also means something i could write a really decent and cutting edge thesis on. sweet.