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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


29 June 2003 23:13

thoughts while at mass.

i went to a catholic youth meeting in london. it was for all the youth in the westminister diocese. youth meaning . . . seventeen to thirtyish.

i got there late, just as we were breaking into small groups. we were sposed to talk about how we would spread the good news of the catholic faith in our home parish and to others. there was one really radical guy in my small group, who wanted to make mass just like it was before vatican II, cause all we did in vatican II was make mass more acceptable to protestants. and that was Wrong because it did not treat the sacrifice of the mass with the proper Reverence.

i pointed out that i think better education could be used to get people to take mass more seriously, and treat the sacrifice with more Reverence. i cant speak for anyone else, i said, but i know i always think of it as the sacrifice i know it is, because ive been (moderately?) well educated in catholic theology. not because there are rules, rituals, and procedures which say i must treat it with reverence.

of course you do, he replied. youre orthodox. we all are, thats why were at this meeting.

im orthodox, i thought to myself?

but i guess i am. i never really associated myself with anything really orthodox before because to me that has connotations of politcal conservatism attached to it, which i definitely do not apply to myself. but when it comes to catholicism, yes, i am orthodox.

in other news, ive decided that my roommate meg and i live in a cave. we both sit here, under our lofts, by the light of our computers. no other lights in the room. we sit here in our cave and mock everyone who enters. hahahaha.