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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


15 July 2003 15:45

again, i let it get far too long between entries. sorry.

i had yoga again yesterday. and i actually feel like im getting worse. positions that were easy as pie in cheerleading i now struggle to hold. and i know for sure that its because my body is responding to actually being challenged for once. in yoga, we actually engage each muscle as we hold these poses, while in cheerleading, we just kinda flopped into them. lots of cheats, but there are no cheats in yoga, no slipping one hip back slightly to make the pose that much easier.

the other reason i feel like im getting worse is because while yoga makes you more aware of whats going on with your body, you start becoming aware of all sorts of imbalances with your body that you just never cared to notice before. like yesterday we were doing one twist that i thought i should have been able to do equally well on both sides, but i was actually more tense on the left than on the right. im starting to notice things that arent right that i never would have noticed before, and prolly they never would have bothered me either. but now i know, and now they bother me. and now i have to do something about them.

its getting harder and harder to get up and go to work, since i know i wont be doing anything there. i remember feeling similarly last summer too. but today i ran into spo. hes back! spos back from germany for grad school in the physics dept. so i should be seeing a lot of him, and thats gonna be cool.

i also have a hard time getting up the motivation to go into the lab cause ive started reading the fifth harry potter book. and all i want to do when i get up in the morning is make a pot of coffee and lounge around with the book. and all the other books which are so beautifully stacked around my room. ahhhh.