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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-03-31 3:10 p.m.

did i ever tell you about the time...

i was a junior in high school and it was the end of the last class day before christmas break. i was at my locker packing up to go home, drearily thinking about how lonely this christmas was going to be...i think it was the first christmas when none of my sisters came back home. piccini walked by and said something like "merry christmas satan spice" and i just lost it. I dont remember if i only yelled or if i said something or if i slammed my locker but i just started crying.

mr mcgovern immediately ran out into the hall. then he unlocked the storage room across the hall and let me stay in there until i had calmed down.

i mean seriously, all of the teachers must have had me on some kind of suicide watch that year. they let me get away with crying and yelling shit all the time. but 'get away with' isnt the right phrase, cause its not like i went out and intentionally had these crying jags or whatever.

thats what watching the breakfast club reminded me of.