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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-03-28 12:29 p.m.

Here's a scary thought.

Since I'll be starting the REU program June 2 and not likely to leave afterward, I'll be at Notre Dame from about June of this year until June of next.

Here's an even scarier thought.

If I hadn't come to London this semester, I would have been at Notre Dame nearly continuously from August of 2002 to June of 2004. Ew.

It kind of worries me that I don't LOVE Notre Dame like everyone else does, or at least look forward to my time there. Ok, I am looking forward to living in a dorm for the summer and working in the lab, and I'm looking forward to band starting up again....but I always go through that period of anxiety before I go back. Or I look with disgust on the idea of staying there for longer than I have to.

Maybe I never should have gone in the first place? Was there somewhere else I should have gone?

Or is imagining that there is a perfect place for you out there somewhere as absolutely stupid as imagining that there's a perfect soul mate out there for you somewhere? No one guaranteed you happiness on this earth.