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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-04-01 6:37 p.m.

ok, so kates writing put me to shame with her latest. i came back and read my entry from yesterday and said, gee, what a charming piece of shit. this entry has absolutely no relevance or meaning to anyone other than yourself, does it? its almost entirely informational, and has no communicable experience (as i show off the number of times ive read walter benjamin's essay on the storyteller). its only slightly better than those laundry list entries of what youve done today that youve been trying to move away from for years.

but then again, for whom is this diary written? when you decided to move away from laundry list entries, it was still for yourself, wasnt it? moving away from laundry list entries increased the meaning you/the writer got out of it.

why do i talk to myself in the second person all the freaking time? i do it when im out walking by myself too. scary.

yeah. so lately ive been wanting more people to come read this, but face it, if youre still talking to yourself in the second person in your online journal, its prolly not fit for an outside audience.

yet. hahaha.