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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-03-26 7:06 p.m.

wasting time not doing my paper...

i want to be a storyteller. and im my opinion, im well on my way to being there.

a storyteller takes parts of the web and points out how they are connected. I have always wanted to be so in tune with the environment around me that i can read it like a book. look at the sky and know what time it is. or in the case of the notre dame campus, the number of people and which direction they are walking. look at the ground and know who has been there previously. smell the breeze and know whats in store. now i also want to be a repository of tales and stories, of folk songs of every stripe, and be able to tell them or sing them as the need arises.

weve just finished our section on storytelling in my poetry and performance class, and today we gave our performances on the theme of storytelling. i thought ours went really well, as we told the story of the effects of war on three different characters solely through our body language.

so i think im doing pretty well for collecting folk songs in my head...i got an early start as a child raised on antiwar songs and peter paul and mary. now im pretty well versed in the rise up singing book chris gave me, and i can usually think of a number of folk songs pertaining to a number of given situations.

take death for example. spencer said there arent folk songs dealing with death but after only a few minutes thought i came up with tom dooley, the ballad of spring hill, john henry, casey jones, the frozen logger, will the circle be unbroken, darlin' corey, goodnight irene, the golden vanity, greenland, plus a few more whose names i cant remember but i could certainly outline the main points for you. i wanna be a virtual songs-r-us for every occasion.