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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-12-27 11:22 p.m.

mmm, dont want to pack yet for florida. but so excited to go and see all of my band friends.

little kids saying funny things this weekend. yes, whenever i got together at a party or something i just pretended to be watching the little kids in order to avoid actually being social. a third grader presuming me to be in fourth or fifth grade. a three year old asking what color my hair is, and being shocked when i responded purple. a two year old trying to say shrek, but that shr sound is kinda difficult so it comes out "fuck." other random things like trying scotch and finding i like it. traveling too much. not enough reading. crying too much. awesome coffeeshopness that ill have to describe later when im not so tired. thats what it all comes down to, doesnt it. when wont i be so tired. i was exhausted the whole time i was traveling to/around/from princeton and havertown.

mmm, what else did i want to write about. its not coming to me now. later later later