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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-12-03 10:47 a.m.

so ive got purple hair, and it makes me soooo happy. i dyed my hair a darker brown overall, which i always love because it makes my skin look fairer and my eyes more golden, then i chopped off six inches and added purple highlights! what can i say, since i tried it the first time over two years ago, purple is a color that just works for me and my natural tones.

its not a purple you can always see from a distance. from far away, it looks kinda black, or maybe even that kinda blueblack shade. but then you come closer and realize, no, its really purple.

i want to show people that someone with crazy purple hair can be a serious student, sing in a choir at mass, be in the band, and mentor a clarinet student. that one doesnt have to look a certain way to be a certain way or do a certain thing. that there isnt a "notre dame look," that there are different kinds of people around here. this is part of my anti-carrot plan.

yeah, so between cooking and dying my hair the cumulative effect of this thanksgiving weekend was like a spiritual retreat but without campus ministry forcing me to sing "rise and shine and give god glory". cooking let me get back to the basics of living, and the changes in my hair are like a renewal of self. cutting off the dead ends and renewing my anti-carrot contract with myself.

and im still grateful that im able to get up in the morning and not be depressed or sick. its a wonderful feeling.