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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-11-29 6:54 p.m.

ive spent so much time in the kitchen, and you know what? it feels good.

ive made stuff from scratch. stuff other people would normally just go out and buy. like whipped cream.

besides that ive helped make apple crisp, cornbread, and two vats of chili, carnivorous and vegetarian.

its kinda funny, me in the kitchen with my sleeves rolled up, dishrag sticking out of my back pocket, and my quantum physics book propped up on a stool so i can read it while i stir the chili. im so proud of me.

its really very cool how my sister insists on making everything from scratch as much as possible. like ive said before, cooking is so basic to living that its something that id really like to be able to do well. i could almost imagine being a happy wife in the kitchen, so proud to feed and nourish my loved ones.

hey, i said i could ALMOST imagine it.