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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-11-24 8:41 p.m.

i come up with one thing to write in here, but i think its not enough to warrant an entry. so i wait, and i think of another thing and another and soon i have so many i cant remember the first, and cant possibly write about all of them.

yesterday we had our trumpet goodbye ceremony for seniors. which we all know is a little absurd when the first semester isnt even over, and grad ass ryan made it even more absurd, standing and shouting "but youll all see each other on monday!" still, its what we do to thank them. and at graduations, when all the other girls are crying from goodbyes and leavings and separations i was always the one wishing theyd get a grip and get over it. but i have to admit, even i get choked up at the seniors goodbye. im sure ill be crying next year. it makes me realize just how much the trumpet section means to me, how much like family they are to me, how important they have been in my life.

band geek side note. sometimes when im on the field, i stand there and wonder who in the student section might be looking to see where i am on the field. this week i couldnt think of anyone, because all of my friends were on the field with me. im pathetic.

anyway. after the goodbyes, i went to see my big fat greek wedding and requiem for a dream with bt. i know, quite the combination for one night. mbfgw was very entertaining, and like carrie said, you really could substitute almost any ethnicity for greek in the formula. almost everyones got a family something like that though we may only see them once a year or less, like mine. or at least, a lot of people i know do have that kind of family since were mostly from large irish or italian catholic families.

requiem for a dream was everything anyone has ever told me it was. i was fascinated by motifs repeated in pi and requiem by their director, darren aronofsky. devices like similar camera angles, and the sequences of max taking his drugs and the characters in requiem taking theirs. but amanda was right...there is no point at which you can say here is where everything starts to go wrong. which i think says a lot about addiction. i also think the movie would have been a lot different for me if i had any experience with drugs at all.

hmmm, i talk about movies in here a lot. too much?