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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-11-21 6:53 a.m.



this morning about six i was woken up by a monster headache. and i was freezing even with my fleece blanket, since my comforter had fallen on the floor. i was so awake up in my loft i could hear the buddy alert on my computer when jesse got online. so i got down and searched for the tylenol i keep for just such emergencies and couldnt find it. so i had to take the ibuprofen thats fine for muscles aches and other assorted pain, but does absolutely jack shit on really nasty headaches.

and i have an exam in one hour. i should be asleep still, my alarm isnt even supposed to go off for another five minutes.

and when i was at my most stressed last night, and felt like inflicting pain on myself this ISNT exactly what i had in mind.

i guess ill be making myself some coffee to take with me. i ought to get ready now. wish me luck, ill need it.