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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-09-29 2:57 a.m.

darn. i had a whole entry typed and then i clicked on a link, not remembering that it would change the page. damn't.

oh well, it was a simple entry and easily reproduced.

candy necklaces are the best thing in the whole damn world.

so is dancing.

i danced so much this weekend, first the pe syr, then at the culture fair on north quad with the pakistani club and the swing club. then tonight at the trumpet toga.


my toga tonight was hot hot hot. my pretty purple sheet, and instead of just belting it at the waist, i draped my purple sarong around my hips. i put my hair up in braids with ivy leaves pinned in, instead of a laurel wreath. only half true toga, and i dont think i need to say which half.

cieslak is IMing me the explanation to the song american pie.

and the candy necklaces? yow! i cant quite remember exactly who ate from my candy necklace first, but it wasnt long before matt and travis attacked from both sides at my neck. a few times kelly and i made a foursome with some freshman guys, everyone first eating from the necklace to their right, and then the one to their right. and my necklace was gone before the end of the night, i am loved.

my date for the dance friday night bought me candy necklaces as well. not as wild a night then, but still a very grand time.

i love to dance!