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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-09-26 9:27 p.m.

waiting for andy to get off the phone so we can go do math....

still feeling absolutely great. communicative! im actually interacting with other people, and wanting to interact with them? wow.

yes third entry in a row mentioning pms/pmdd. does it warrant talking to a doctor about this? ive got data for almost a year now. and it seemed to get worse as the winter went on last year. am i imagining that theres such a huge difference? i dont think so, if its true that i was feeling a crying jag coming on last week. food cravings are not imagined either. and i had a number of crises, although minor, last week.

are there ways i can deal with this without medicine, like jesse suggested? hot baths? last week i did take care of myself in that i made sure i had people to talk to, like meeting elise for late night coffee when i should have been grading. but do i need to talk to a doctor? what if i talk to a doctor here on campus, and get some old fashioned conservative man who says, just deal? how many people would take this seriously? or again, am i just making this up?

::sighs:: yeah, well im just gonna enjoy feeling great while i can. and think of ways to better deal with whatever comes up.