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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-09-25 2:22 p.m.

I'm very proud of myself for doing almost all of my modern physics hw on my own last night. feeling refreshed and revived again, i feel like i can take on almost anything. especially with the prospect of a non football weekend! woohoo! maybe i can get ahead? or maybe i will go to the anime club movie on saturday afternoon, between the bandlink meeting and the trumpet toga? ((phone call from fr. sam. lost my train of thought...)) nothing seems impossible just about now. go me!

and another thing..i havent had cravings for fries and sour cream this week like i did last week. last week i was eating fries and sour cream and almost only fries and sour cream for one or even both meals of the day. now? that hardly even appeals to me. i hate pms and how it can make me do crazy stuff like that! its so irrational!

of course, all this new motivation, optimism, and general aliveness means no thought provoking introspective entries. boo.