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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-07-20 10:19 p.m.

oh wow. just got back from borders monthly open mic. christopher and i had rehearsed monday night and about an hour before we went to borders. and our performence, well, we thought it went pretty darn well. we really had fun playing, and we actually got people singing along with "this land is your land" at the end. ((alan lomax, the great american musicologist died yesterday, so sad)) tonight just clicked i guess. we sang "there but for fortune", "house of the rising sun", "passing through", and "this land is your land". later during a lull we got back up and tried "universal soldier". there but for fortune is just so pretty, and i really hope i pulled off house of the rising cant get away with that one being all sweet and innocent like i natually am ((riiight)). passing through is so witty...

i saw adam leave the garden with an apple in his hand. i said, now youre out, what are you gonna do? plant some crops and pray for rain, maybe raise a little cain. im an orphan now and only passing through.

i saw jesus on the cross on a hill called calvary. do you hate mankind for what theyve done to you? he said talk of love not hate, things to do its getting late. theres so little time and im just passing through. passing through, passing through, sometimes happy sometimes blue, glad that i ran into you, tell the people that you saw me passing through.

im just so pleased with tonight. he also had me listen to a song on a cd of "freedom songs" was a great song with bob dylan and joan baez singing together, talk about clashing voices making for a great folk sound. were definitely going to perform again soon, and we even tossed around the idea of doing a tori amos song. weeeeee.

anyway. so i met with meghan bolden for lunch on friday. and i was thinking itd be a fun lunch, talking about our internships, and her trips to costa rica and italy, and various college like topics. nooooo. apparently she took lunch with an old high school classmate to be an open invitation for a trip down memory lane. and any trip down memory lane involving high school is NOT one that i care to go along on. so i got more negative in the coversation than i wanted to be. im hoping she didnt pick up on that too much? its just that talking about these people from high school....i dont think im ever going to go to a high school reunion. i would only want to go if these people would say something to me like, oh gee, elizabeth, im sorry i never gave you a second thought in high school. but they wont say that. and i have no desire to see any of these people unless i could somehow show them up and put them in their places. but i cant, and i wont go. ive got my friends, no need to revisit old enemies. though they shouldnt be enemies, but hey, thinking about high school makes me bitter.

show me the whiskey stains on the floor, show me the drunkard as he stumbles out the door, and ill show you a young man with so many reasons why there but for fortune go you or i.

show me the country where the bombs had to fall, show me the ruins of the buildings once so tall, and ill show you a young land with so many reasons why there but for fortune go you and i, you and i.

ooooh, i really wish i had someone to perform with at notre dame.