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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-07-18 7:19 p.m.

the other day my mom told me i dont smell pretty enough. i was unaware i needed to smell pretty, or rather that i needed to put forth the extra effort to smell pretty. apparently bathing regularly isnt enough?

was out in the field again today, western perry county this time. we saw a bear. seeing a bear was neat, but seeing how it wasnt really afraid of us wasnt.

so the crickets yesterday. yeah. um. did you know crickets can chew through wire mesh screen? neither did i. so i had the crickets hidden behind a nok hockey box and i was gonna reveal them later in the evening as a sort of surprise. but in the middle of the talk show game, i saw one hopping through the lets pretend section. oops. i think about four or five got free in all...and the kids ended up catching three or four of them. then jennifer took home three in an impromptu pie plate cage. i just hope the manager doesnt find a stray cricket later on and gets mad at me. but the kids loved it, and the parents too. they were even having fun with the talk show game before we found the crickets had gotten out. so yeah, id say this week was a distinct improvement over the others. one more to go!