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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-06-24 11:33 p.m.

ah, goodness gracious me, i love to dance. another bennies show tonight, to follow up the one on saturday at the wire.

let me get this last strawberry out of the way

so i was falling asleep all day at work today, astonishing, considering i had nearly twelve hours of sleep the night before. but it was all disturbed sleep, with an achey tummy. no good. time even went slowly at zany brainy on sunday. after mom and i went grocery shopping, i just lay down and slept off and on for almost twelve hours. and it still wasnt easy to get up in the morning because mom overdid it with the air conditioning and the house was an ice box. but saturday was awesome. i got the shirts at hechts, like i said i would. then kate and jesse and i caught dinner at the diner before the show at the wire. which was awesome despite the fact that, well, we were just about the only people there. much dancing there too. GOD i LOVE to DANCE!

yeah and i wore my "for good luck rub my tummy shirt today" but no one did. disappointing.