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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-06-21 11:56 p.m.

so after more than one ibuprofen (which is rare for me) and at least three cups of coffee (the waitress never let me get lower than half the mug) i still have a headache from this afternoon. so im sitting here with erin's flute on my lap and playing a bit while waiting for web pages to load. anything to hopefully dilate the blood vessels in my head. garh.

and yeah, divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood seemed like another how to make an american quilt. especially the main characters. in american quilt, she hesitated to get married because she felt her parents divorce screwed her up, and in ya ya, she gets scared shes going to fuck up like her mom did because she sees that she shares some of the same qualities as her mom. but it was good. in a chick flick feel good sort of nostalgic way.

and mark your calendars, this is an event, im going to the mall to buy clothes tomorrow. hopefully. off the sales rack at hechts. the cutest beautiful ugly shirts ive seen in a while. very my style. must have them. im in love with them. yay cool shirts hiding on sales racks. ::claps gleefully::