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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-06-21 4:46 p.m.

yeah, so they sent the intern out to middletown today to the new topo/geo building to retrieve some aerial photos. yes, they sent the intern out ALONE in a COOL ROCKIN' CAR to middletown. and i got there and they eyed me suspiciously, becuase i am so obviously not the Marcus Snyder in whose name the appointment was made. and then they wouldnt let me alone in the library to look over stuff, wouldnt leave me alone in the building to search for the free handouts i wanted, and even finally escorted me out of the building. high security because of alerts at nearby TMI, they told me. weird.

yeah, so this cool rockin' car. marcus picked up a packet for some random local use car for me today and it turned out to be a nearly brand new chevy cavalier, blue, ive decided that when i get my own car its going to be blue. and normally a cavalier is nothing to call home about but this was just so new and so nice that it totally ruled. nothing like driving around the van, which is not only big (and that doesnt really bother me) but suddenly this week seems more slow and cumbersome than before. the brakes squeal and acceleration is nonexistent suddenly, i noticed that driving home from camp. i attributed it to the fact that we were so loaded down with the bikes and everything but im just not sure anymore. must remember to mention this to dad, as well as the fact that the oil change light came on.

yeah, so i feel badly for once that i didnt make it to jubilee day yesterday. kates entry made it sound like a lot of fun. but i had a headache and desperately needed a nap. i wouldnt have been any fun if i had tried to make it to funtastics at six. in fact, im feeling a headache now too. i told my mom about it at lunch and she wondered why i have these headaches now if i didnt before, and honestly i cant remember when they started being more frequent but i can only imagine its since i started at notre dame. freshman or sophomore year, i cant pinpoint it.

yay weekend