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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-04-16 12:06 a.m.

i think i hate loud girls with high voices. i mean, think of the girls i talk with for long periods of time....danielle, kate, christa...none of these have particularly high voices. the ones who arent low....catherine, anney...arent loud. but the girls across the hall? high and loud. and if i close the door ill suffocate, cause its eighty degrees and they havent turned on the ac yet. and im just one big ball of negativity. massive, so im not an electron. there are at least four girls all congregated in the room across the hall from mine, and their door is open too, naturally.

and every single one of us is complaining about the heat and the tests and school. ive heard it about chem from my tutorees tonight and now im hearing it about orgo from the alpps and bio majors across the hall. but its a perverts dream cause were all sitting around in tiny tanks and shorts. its just so hard to concentrate between the heat and the gabbing. now theyre complaining that its not cold enough, after complaining all march that its too cold.

its not finals week thats gonna kill me, its the last few weeks of classes. its all just so overwhelming. my numerical methods class met tonight to discuss a game plan and i realized im two projects further behind than i thought i was. that has to get done sometime before may 1, and thats the day of my modern final, yes, the day after my big lit paper is due. but ill have nicoles and prof loseccos progs in the public directories for reference, so thats a small relief. my modern phys exam is tomorrow (eek) and i have a math test next week. and thats just schoolwork, besides that on my calendar,i have the band banquet, physics and trumpet parties, the EYH conference, ((oooh, paranoid android just came on my tape player. yay kates tape)) and the blue/gold game, and a brass ensemble concert sometime around the end of the month.

but once all thats over, i just have a math final, a mech take home final (hopefully still open book) and ill prolly finally rewrite that paper on george oppen for ziarek then. thats it! i guess i just have to take it one day at a time...but somehow still plan far enough ahead that i dont get behind...or more behind than i already am. ::sighs::