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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-02-10 2:35 a.m.

tonight i learned....

that other people dream about physics too

that bruce bunker (physics dept head chair) and kathie newman (dean of college of science) are married

that we are the last class to ever have to suffer through prof shephard. next year, kathie newman will be taking over the undergrad mechanics class. im pissed. how cool would it have been to say, yes, i have had a female physics prof. this also means that shephard cares not one iota how he treats us, cause hes got no reason to improve at all. grrrrr.

that theres an american figure skating pair that skates their short program to shine on you crazy diamond.

that mardi gras is fun

that if a drunk guy pins me and tries to take advantage of me, theres really only so much i can do about it. tonight booty pinned me and amanda separately on the floor in his hallway, luckily silent bob was there to get him off of us. i never quite realized how difficult it could be to get someone else off of me who weighs only as much as an average male. not even a really big guy. yeah. ill have to be more careful about that.

that earning mardi gras beads is fun

that kissing sloppy drunk guys for mardi gras beads gets old very quickly

that you go to the infirmary when you chip your front teeth. yeah, so after silent bob got booty off of me and amanda, we pinned him down and took all his beads and his sunglasses. then he got into a fight in the bathroom, got his head slammed into the wall, and chipped his front teeth very badly. its yucky. hurts just to think about it.

that iced chai goes perfectly with reckers chips and nacho cheese and pico de gallo. ooooooh, that was yummy. the hot pepper to follow it up was just beautiful.

that the statue of mary looks nice with purple mardi gras beads

that shinjis been acting strange lately...i hope hes alright and continues to live to a ripe old age.

that my modern physics prof doesnt prepare his lessons until midnight the night before class

that bruce bunker has a sixteen year old son

that its too cold in this room (i have gooseflesh right now) and i should go to bed