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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-02-09 12:02 p.m.


erins been iming randomly since thursday just to say "london!!! london!!!!" i can hardly believe im really going to be living and taking classes in london for an entire semester. with breaks to travel and my mommmy and my sisters will prolly come and visit me too! better yet, i have only one physics course i might have to take that semester...they might send a prof with us, they might have us take it by internet, or i might just put it off til spring of senior year. no math courses, cause ill be done with my math requirement by then....just tons and tons of literature and theatre and art history courses. "fun courses" my mom calls them. the london program has a fine arts requirement, three of my credits that semester must be in ftt, arhi, or mus.

but ill be living in london, in the city. ive always wanted to try out living in a city and this seems like the perfect way to do it. just a four or five month stay and they arrange a flat for me with five other girls. my regular tuition costs cover everything, including transportation and financial aid even carries over.

im going to be even further away from home. im going to spread ichabod to another continent. im going to live in another culture, not just visit (even though i consider living in the midwest sort of living in another culture) im going to have the opportunity to visit anne in rome and travel to ireland and i know theres a trip to stonehenge planned.

and before thursday, this was just a fantasy. i would just flip through my RAs scrapbook from her semester in london and listen to joe and sean talk about pub golf. now, my RA is planning a tea for the girls in my section who are going to london and im one of them! and its so incredible that the only reason i applied was because spo happened to tell me about the physics dinner for prospective london program students. i know pats going to london too, and 'brown and sticky' and shaina and krista and charlotte. i dont really want to go around asking people cause im afraid that ill make someone who got waitlisted or didnt get in feel badly.

danielles starting to realize how lonesome it will be her junior year spring. she and jeff and chris and keith and shelece are going to still be in the states, while me and pat and maybe joe will be in london (joe might go to dublin instead) hamish might be at trinity college in dublin and katie might be in angers, france. i think paul applied to dublin or trinity and most of the other people applied to london as well.

im so excited. i cant wait to hear from kathy about this.