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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-01-31 1:56 a.m.

id estimate there were about one hundred people having a snowball fight on north quad shortly after midnight tonight. id wager south quad was considerably more crowded.

so i had a weird dream last night. i already told danielle about the part where tyszka came back and attacked me and keith fought him off for me and bt was hoarding stuff in a laundromat dryer. but there was another part, where i was at a retreat house for some diaryland weekend or something...i remember only that it was indcredibly detailed, but i cant think of much of it now. but i remember one of the retreat leaders talking about how many people were reading diaryland diaries ...and i slowly realized that she wasnt talking about diaryland in general, but she kept saying arvianna, arvianna, arvianna this arvianna that. and i got kinda freaked out, i mean, cause the numbers of people she were saying were reading arvianna were huge, like in the millions. of course thats not true, but i guess this is some kind of anxiety related to the fact that this diary is linked from the one that my room mate and i now use jointly, and she has the link in her profile so anyone can access it.

i guess i have to watch what i say, now, dont i? ::winks::