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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-01-22 7:28 p.m.

yay for new ichabod page ish ness! i love you kate

ok. so i dont know about the rest of you and your parents but my dad obviously doesnt care about me very much. or something like that. i just cant figure it out. when i was in high school, he would take trips to iceland or alaska and i might have an approximate date when he would be back. then he started going to canada and driving through the south, and i would have no clue when to expect him back. then last year, he went to costa rica, and gave me only one days notice while the rest of my sisters had known since christmas that he was going out of the country.

i just got a card from him in the mail today. it says hes driving to havertown "tomorrow." the card was postmarked on jan fifteenth. he left for malta the next day.

that was an entire fucking week ago. my dad goes to europe, and i dont know until a week later. what the fuck is wrong here. he wont be back until february 11. i cant believe he didnt even email me, like last year. hes been out of the country for a week and i had no idea. why doesnt he ever tell me anything? does he realize how unimportant this makes me feel? especially since my sisters obviously knew about this...hes leaving his car at my sisters house. last year my sister judy knew because she gave him his vaccinations for the rain forest. im just dumbfounded. i feel bad for my mom, at least im not the last to know like she is. im sure she has no clue.

doesnt take much to rip us into pieces

i dont understand what goes through my dads head...but maybe i really shouldnt ask. its prolly like things in my head when i dont tell my dad when ill be in state for holidays.