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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-01-15 9:08 a.m.

jsut sitting around waiting for the time to leave for my first class this morning.

we played a three hour game of questions last night. some interesting questions that came up "if you had to turn to crime for a living, which crime would you choose?" and "if you could only practice one of the principle vices henceforth, which one would it be?" anne picked up that cool little book at borders "if: questions for the game of life" i love playing questions with the girls in my the end of the three hours we had eight girls in the room.

yeah, it still kinda bugs me how i hang out with mostly guys in ichabod and at home and now at school i live in a building of about 245 girls. i think i like it, though.

im trying to think of what some of the other good questions were. "if you could relive one meal from your past, what would it be?" and the one no one could really answer "if you could choose the single biggest mistake youve made so far, what would it be?" also "if you could own only one item for the rest of your life, what would it be?" "for what celebrity would you most like to be their personal masseuse?" "what would you most like to succeed in?" "if you could have someone elses brain, but keep your own body, whos brain would you choose?" "how would you most like to be remembered by posterity?"