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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-01-02 11:38 p.m.

well, my lovely day ended about 8:15 tonight, only shortly after my mom got home. this started out as an email to someone, but, well, you can see where it went....

good thing we didnt try to get together tonight. my mom found the pillow with the split seam on the side (it slipped my mind to tell her about it) and she absolutely exploded. in the short time that ive been here ive managed to make so many things go wrong lets count them. the car window. the scratches. the phone. the pillow. there must be more im just forgetting right now. this one i could actually explain, i could tell her that kelly and cheeser were throwing pillows at each other but "that wouldnt cause something like this." what the fuck does she think we were doing with them, intentionally trying to rip the pillows apart? so she immediately told me to go online and find out how to remove the scratches from her car. right now im just sitting and waiting for my next order, which will prolly be "eat". she also told me to sew the pillow back together with "stitches so small you cant see it at all" cause thats "the only way ill ever learn" its scary how much she blows up...i hate to think of what it must be like inside her head. im just sitting here and resenting her very presence...and wishing i could go back to school and be out from under her thumb. and scared that my next move or word out of my mouth is going to bring up something my grades, or band, or my friends, or my job. ugh, it makes me feel sick. know what she just did? she just picked up the phone and hung it up again....not because she wanted to make a call, cause she would have picked the phone back up and done it by now if that was the case. no, the bitch just wanted to kick me off line. now im just mad. and now im sure shes pretty darn confused as to why im still typing if im not online ::muaahahah:: long live notepad and the fact that the emails you write dont get erased when youre signed off. that bitch. i wanna just keep typing and typing and typing to defy her and prove to her that she hasnt stopped me in the least. hear this mom? im still writing! im still typing! you didnt rudely interrupt any IM conversations even, cause i had up an away message! im still jumping though, and getting ready to put up a different window if she comes in the room...

on another note, i had salmon marinated in maple syrup, dijon mustard, soy sauce, and ginger for dinner tonight. yum.