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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-11-24 6:33 p.m.

first time ive been online since wednesday and i need to tell myself to hit this spacebar extra hard or i wont have any spaces between words at all.

im at such a weird place in my family as if it werent bad enough being an awkward age and being the only one currently in college, but there is not one person whose age is within a ten year radius of mine. my nearest sister is eleven years older than me, and i am twelve years older than my oldest neice. Not one of the kids, but only recently one of the adults. kathy is going to europe over the christmas, paris, tuscany, rome. shell be in paris for christmas. im jealous, of course. shes going with bob because hes never been to europe and shes been to all of these places at least once before. ill miss her at christmas though, as the only other single martin daughter left, besides myself.

yeah. thirteen people in my sisters house this weekend. six kids under the age of eight. and yes, jesse, i was a fun nazi this weekend, especially when they came to wake me up at seven in the morning and i threatened to break their arms if they tried to tickle me anymore or pull the covers off of me one more time. the ones who dont talk yet, i dont mind so much. annie will sit on my lap and draw while i do calculus. julia will only speak softly and come cuddle with you. even kathie isnt all that bad....but sarah? the one who thinks she so much smarter than me? she just gets on my nerves.

on the bus from notre dame i met someone from blairsville. yes, the one and only blairsville. i had to ask if she knew ryan stewart. "oh, was he the one who dressed like marilyn manson all the time?" yeah, that would be the one. turns out she was in a spanish class with him. of course, though, she had no idea what hes up to now. and i knew better than to ask if there were any way she could get in touch with him for me. still, it was bizarre, and i cant be sure she quite believed me because in her little world, ryan stewart and his friends barely graduated high school. theres no way a close friend of his could be going to notre dame now.

we went to the carnegie science center yesterday, as has become a sort of tradition here. i love that place. only recently did we solve for the forces on a foucault pendelum.....i can never see one the same way again. they had tornado tubes, too. still, its just no where near as cool to just be a visitor at a science center as it is to actually work there. thats what i really miss. just like now that i know what its like to work in a toy store, i can never shop at one the same way ever again.

eh. just stuff