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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-11-10 11:01 p.m.

oooh, familiar comfortable diaryland. feels like home. the reason i havent been writing lately is because i was nearly killing myself to get that mechanics assignment done that i was broken up over last thursday. i was staying up every night to get it done for the wednesday extension he gave me. i loved staying up with amanda while she was working at lafortune from 2 to 5 in the morning.

anyway. ive been wanting to write in here since i got back from the band dance last night. i had such a cool time,and so much funny stuff happened. first off, weird names dave was my escort. i think the reason they made him escort me was because i live in mod quad, the red headed stechild of notre dame res halls, and he lives in bfe carroll hall. you cant possibly find two people in the trumpet section who live further apart. last night he got the nickname sonic, because his hair was spiked in a ridiculous manner, akin to sega's sonic the hedgehog. our escorts are sposed to bring the girls flowers, and dave brought me dead roses, appropriately enough. my outfit last night was the coolest. i wore my iridescent long purple skirt, with a black shirt that said BAD KITTY in rhinestones on the front. i wore my black dog collar with rhinestones plus a huge silver glitter bracelet. my hair was all wavy and i wore doc marten boots with fishnet stockings (these would prove to be a downfall later on in the night).

i actually had a lot of fun at the pre party. took a lot of pictures. played with tim and the magnetic poetry erotic edition. megs (our section leader) was going around grabbing all of the guys balls, and just about everyones asses. towards the end of the party, we found out who our dates for the dance were, if we got set up. mine was ramin pleasedontaskmehislastname or just ramen noodle. hes a freshman, and considering that the only things i put down on my request sheet were not a big drinker and likes to dance, ramin pretty much fits the bill (hes in pemco with alan and ryan, so they would know he can dance). he did sort of lose me a few times at the dance, but i guess thats forgiveable.

i was a designated driver, too. becki has her grandparents car on campus now, and i got to drive it to the party and to the dance last night. fortunately for me, its a honda accord, just like i drive at home. considering who i had as passengers, it was nice to be driving a car im familiar with. the funniest part of driving by far was getting to the college football hall of fame after the pre party. becki and megs were so dunk they couldnt take stairs by themselves. (megs actually fell down the stairs, and becki tells me she remembers nothing of the end of the party and the beginning of the dance.) ramin seemed okay, matt was just sober enough to give me ALMOST correct directions, and ray was just hilariously drunk. i kept trying to yell over everyone to ask where i was going, then matt would yell back, then ray would yell secondary directions that were competely wrong, then we found ourselves in a not so nice part of town and matt had to get us out of there. finally we got to a part of town we recognized and megs started yelling stuff like you rock elizabeth, youre awesome. it was all stuff that i never would have put up with if i didnt know that they werent doing it to be assholes, they were just drunk. it was one of those times when everyone is so drunk that youre so very entertained by it all, and so very glad that youre not drunk so you can laugh and tell everyone about it later.

mmmm, this ginger tea is really making my throat feel good.

anyway, the dance itself was fun too. like when the obligatory two swing songs came on, luke was looking frantically around the table, asking if any of the girls knew how to swing dance. i told him i knew i little, and away we went on the dance floor. he had taken american dance for gym last year, and i told him hes the best lead ive ever dance with. i didnt have to know anything more than the most basic steps and turns i learned at the jcc all the way back in my junior year of high school. he guided me so well through all the rest, i felt like i had known forever exactly what to do. that was my best dancing experience of the night. my weirdest one was with michael j. fox, or mcfly, another freshman in the trumpet section so name for his resemblance to a certain celebrity. he was going around and grinding with all the girls, so eventually he got to me. and didnt leave. for an eternity it seemed like, i couldnt get him off me. you know why? he could feel my fishnets through my skirt. i think he was having just a little too much fun with that. and once i was free of him, he kept coming back for more. he even commented that "your stockings have like a zig zag pattern on them or something" hes a strange one, mcfly is.

not much going on besides that. i learned a really cool spanish expression from becki and amanda this weekend. media naranja. half orange. your half orange is the person who completes you. when they were discussing this in class, amanda called becki her media naranja. ugh, jesse, i wanted to write an email to you now. i got your package today. but im feeling kinda bad with my cold, so i think im going to go to bed. i wanted to study mechanics tonight, but i think ill have to do it in the morning.