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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-09-23 12:39 a.m.

oh my god. what a day.

my first halftime show with the band of the fighting irish, and im so spoiled. becki told me in the tunnel before we trotted onto the field "you so deserve this!" and oh, i feel like i do. ive worked so hard....and today was just soooooo great. todays halftime show will never be matched, never will any performance we give be any stronger. because of the events of last tuesday, we completely rewrote the show wed been rehearsing to arrange something appropriate for todays game. so we ended up doing coplands fanfare for the common man, and anney sang god bless the usa, complete with marching map and giant flag. if that didnt get everyone to their feet and cheering, the last song definitely did. we played amazing grace....a brand new arrangement that KD stayed up all night working on. and the michigan state band marched out to stand between our ranks.....and then the lines meshed, nd band member and msu band members playing together. soooo beautiful.

btw, for the marching map, my rank formed the edge of new mexico. and stale oreos are soooo good. i love how cookies like this get soft as they get stale.

anyway, so i come back to my room and promptly fall asleep for an hour, totally missing dinner hours at the dhall. not like the dhall is really someplace id like to be on a football weekend. but amanda missed dinner too, so we decided to bike over to perkins. good idea, right? well, the getting food part was a good idea. the biking over in the dark part definitely wasnt. undoubtedly one of the stupidest things ive done in the recent past. we could have been hit and killed so many times. but we made it, and we made it back. we were gonna go out to hang out with 420's old room mates (420 is amandas friend joe) but he didnt get a car, so she went out with jaci and some others....leaving me to watch great expectations with anne and kat. ::sighs:: its just one of those movies thats gonna leave me kinda mopey for a sitting here listening to ani now, and angstily singing along. which is easy when you nearly lose your voice at the football game.

anyway, perkins was soo cool. just getting to eat off campus, and spend some time talking with amanda. definitely one of my favorite people to hang out with. definitely not like everyone else at nd.

so i should go to bed. before parietals! hahahah. cause my rooms a filthy mess and i need to do laundry like its nobody's business (band members really sweat out there in those wool uniforms! ah, to be a cheerleader again and wear so little clothing) and i need to get up early tomorrow and do homework of course. and amanda and i want to go back to the holy cross cemetary and find the grave of a priest she heard about in california. yeah, cause i convinced her to walk through the cemetary with me tonight. she was soo scared. so i just fed her the line on "safest place in the world to be" heheh.

oh shoot. tomorrows my dads birthday. i should send him an email before i forget. hmmmmmmm.

oh well. goodnight.