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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-09-25 12:40 a.m.

i hope no one really expects to hear from me for a while. cause you wont. there simply arent enough hours in the day for me to get all of my work done and do band. let alone talk to people that i care about. so kate, i really wanted to send you a kairos letter, but i didnt find out early enough. i wanted to send you an email when you got back, but im swamped. jesse, i dunno when ill be able to call or reply to your email. ive got more work than you guys would honestly believe.

i wanna die. i was already crying in beckis room cause its all so overwhelming. ive got a calc test tomorrow. im behind on my theo papers. ive been consistently late on physics, and always incomplete on mechanics. ((btw, jesse, you can tell your dad im taking a classical mechanics or newtonian mechanics class. modern physics and quantum mechanics comes later)) theres no way i devote enough time to programming, unless the comp lab is open all night, which it just might be, but sleep? hah!

i wanna die.