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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-27 12:52 a.m.

totally a day of ups and downs.

minus: dining hall was closed for lunch

minus: danielles moms chattiness ::does double possessive motion::

plus: multiple members of the bass section wishing me luck

plus: excellent march out

minus: fatigue after running through audition routine three times

plus: core band members telling me what a great marcher i am

plus: freezer pops after band rehearsal

minus: nervousness before auditions

plus: core band making me laugh before auditions

plus: knowing my music for auditions

minus: tripping over fullback during auditions (it was his fault!)

plus: barnabys after auditions

plus: finding pizza for anney and donelle

minus: danielles mom cleaned our room...including moving my stuff. just really set off the control freak in me. i couldnt find my airwalks...and i always know where they are. im just so annoyed that shes taking over decorating our room. for example: right now our carpet extends under the bed instead of towards the door where we have no carpet. there is also a throw rug on top of the carpet instead of on the uncovered floor. shes also sleeping in our room these two nights. i cant wait until she leaves tomorrow morning. cause she messed with MY stuff. no one moves my stuff around, no matter how messy it is. cause at least i know where the hell it is!

minus: girls in the hall criticizing me for freaking out over my shoes being missing.

plus: trumpet party in pats room

pluses: catch phrase, mafia, and neverhaveiever (games)

really big minus: running into dan and tara on the way home from keough. im fucking psychic. i knew it was him even before he turned to face me. he knew it was me the second he heard my voice. i cant stand him, still. grrrrrrr.

so lots of little pluses today and a few big minuses. you can do the math.