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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-18 12:39 a.m.

i found myself scribbling on an envelope at cafe venue tonight, and realized i was frantically scribbling everything i would normally write here in arvianna. why? just cause i felt like i needed to write. needed the activity, needed the mental release. scribble scribble, words words. maybe im not getting much out of arvianna lately cause im just writing at the wrong times. im writing late at night when im not really reflecting on whats happened...which i dont really like to do anyway. i prefer to write about things that are going to happen. i just realized that now, and i think thats pretty darn cool. just about everything i write about in my paper journal are not things ive done, but things im thinking about doing or how present things will turn out. very future oriented, very intuitive. thats reassuring to me. so when do i reflect on things that have happened? when do i write a paper for my own personal history class? this isnt looking too bright, since i couldnt even stick with a class on european history. heheh. i guess i do write about things that have happened. especially in here sometimes, but ive even had periods where i try to get away from the "descriptive entry." but in my paper journal, the future is a definite trend.

rhymes spill like milk