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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-17 12:11 a.m.

wednesday was the holy day of obligation parsley, and add me to the list of people who didnt miss it. my mom asked me at about seven in the morning after mass "now dont you feel holy?"

but i really do like the feast days associated with mary. the assumption, the immaculate conception, the annunciation. theyve all got this slightly feminist slant to them. or at least its always seemed like it to me. mary makes a big choice that will do tremendous good but cause tons of trouble for her and her family as an unmarried pregnant girl. at that point she really just seems like the symbol for everything the supposed good conservatives are against, but that christ would be all for....compassion for a girl in that position, instead of judging her for what she appears to be. am i making sense? no. oh well. joseph could have had her severely punished but he didnt. he also had to be convinced of this by an angel. there was a joke once about how someone thought joseph was more special than mary because an angel appeared to him three times, and only once to mary. and the punchline was that it just takes men three times longer than women to get the message.

i cant go on digging roses from your grave to linger on beyond the beyond where the willows weep and the whirpools sleep youll find me....and the nitemare rides on.

so tomorrow is my last day of work before i go back to school. im pretty relieved. almost cant wait to get the week over with, just cause i hate the feeling of trying to cram so much into so few days. and then ill get to school and have the whole semester in front of me and the days will just roll by with hardly a notice. ill be in the midst of my classes before i know it.

ugh. i can feel my anxiety. its driving me nuts. i dont want it. take it away, please.