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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-15 11:18 p.m.

green and to yellow they fade.....trapped within the circle time parade of changes.

so im leaving next wednesday now. so my mom gave me some ikea bookshelves to take with me. so ive got a gorgeous orange armchair too. so ive got one week. one week to do so much, so much.

so i saw the movie pi last night. so i visited the web site for the movie pi today ( and its just SO cool. amazing. chaos theory, etc, etc.

i cant get my mind to go any deeper. i feel like skipping stone across the tionesta creek. my only consolation is that after three or four skips, ill sink into the deep fishing hole right under the rock we always jump off when were swimming. my left ankle itches like crazy.

correction: the dream hunters, not the dream catchers.

i started listening to adore again last night. lovely lovely. yes, its your fault parsley, for planting the idea in my head.

twilight fades on blistered avalons. the skys cruel torch on aching autobahns into the uncertain divine we scream into the last divide. see? see? i dont even remember the right words anymore. sheila rides on crashing nightingale. intake eye leaves passing vapor trails. and blushing brilliance alive until its time to arrive. summer storm races all of me. highway warm sings silent poetry. and i could bring you the light and take you home into the night. lately i just cant seem to believe discard my friends to change the scenery it meant the world to hold a bruising faith. now its just a matter of grace.