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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-12 11:43 p.m.

yeah, so i hate to say it, but im really making a concious effort to learn every word on little earthquakes. i hate to say it, cause its taken me so long. i cant even remember how long ive had this album, and i know a lot of the words, if not most. but just like machina, i havent made the effort/havent had the time to conciously learn every word to it so i can confidently sing along. and i was reading the lyrics for tear in your hand....and i finally got it. me and neil'll be hanging out with the dream king. neil. neil gaiman. dream king. from sandman: the dream catchers. precisely was kelley lent me this summer. how wonderful.

::yawns:: i have to be at work early tomorrow, and ive slept through most of mst3k: this island earth. feeling sleepy again.