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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-11 11:35 p.m.

i went to my sisters today, and felt quiet and gauche and wrong the whole time. i fell asleep on the couch while everyone was still eating dinner, and kept waking up to things like annie saying HI! HI! and tugging on my leg, julia pulling my hair, or sarah saying "come on, were doing presents now!" and my growling in response "so what? im not getting any." seriously. why do people insist on sending small children to wake me up all the time? every time i sleep at my sisters, im guaranteed something like annie crawling on my face while sarah and kathie dance around the couch screaming "ding dong the witch is gone!" :;screams in agony:: im amazed i can sleep at all in all of that. i guess im just a pro when it comes to sleeping. ::rolls her eyes:: i wont even get into when they stick me in the same room as the baby all night, so its my responsibility when she/he wakes up screaming at four am. and i dont care what you say, but i dont think even the best parent likes getting up at night with the baby. if they did, why would they stick me with it?

more movies ive watched: solomon and gaenor and finding forrester. heheh. theres a freaky sci fi movie on usa my moms watching right now. the special effects are so bad, its almost even more convincing than the best computer graphics. imagine that.

sorry, cant write anymore. this movie has become all consuming. that and the tori amos im listening to now.