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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-04 12:13 a.m.

i went and dug up all my possible book choices for the rest of the summer. sadly enough, a lot of them are things i started and never finished. they are gothic art (andrew martindale), east of the moutains (david guterson), up the infinite corridor (hapgood), keeping the faith making a difference (father miscamble), chicken soup for the college soul, the changing earth (judith vorst), the symposium (plato), the robots of dawn (isaac asimov), poems (maya angelou), civilisation and its discontents (freud), and phaedrus (plato). i found a huge book of crossword puzzles, too. im particularly excited about "the changing earth" because its a geology text. yay.

i put a new quote in my aim profile. If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X, Y is play, and Z is keeping your mouth shut. ~Albert Einstein. that along with the dimensional kreemo thing from acid test. im pretty pleased with my profile right now. but still not as cool as the "trailing occasional fish" one. i really like the other prof i have with the quote from the ballad of the sad cafe, but its too long and deep and no one bothers to read it enough to get it.

i think im allergic to the month of august. i woke up in the morning on august first all congested and ive been taking childrens chewable dimetap. yummy. but ive been stuffed up and blowing my nose for three days now. and you know what? ive decided that i like humidity as long as its not too sunny. some people say it makes them feel boxed in, but i like it cause it feels like a warm hug to me. it was really nice around seven pm when i was on break at giant today because the sun was setting and the humid air just felt nice and cozy to me. so its not the humidity, its the sun that gets to me. oh yeah, and im sneezing too, with itchy eyes. definitely allergic to august.