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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-03 12:41 a.m.

wow. i just read my entry from last night....sounds pretty crazy even to me. it must have carried over into my sleep, because it wasnt so much that my dreams were fucked up, as that i was smashed in my dreams. completely fucked up. it was very very very bizarre, especially since i wouldnt really know what thats like.

anyway, i remembered what i actually wanted to write here last night, and thats my literature situation right now. it feels so strange not to be in the middle of a novel right now. even at school, i was almost always in the middle of a novel, even if it was going very slowly and i didnt really want to read it/had to read it for class. but right now, ive finshed all of jesses vonnegut, ive finshed with everything for summer reading club, and ive finished the sandman book i borrowed from kelley. ooooh, it was awesome. ((have i mentioned lately that i love to type?)) so in the meantime ive just been reading random stories from labyrinths on my lunch breaks. i guess i still have stuff i could read....some david guterson, the book on faith my mom gave me, the science books ive been meaning to read for years (the one on engineering at MIT is especially appealing right now), and the latest book jesse lent me. but im kinda savoring the awkward feeling of not being buried in a book for the first time this summer. its like im actually living just one life, instead of having another one within yellowed pages that i can escape to. seriously. im just afraid to start a novel and then not have time to finish it before i have to go back to school. especially if its something like guterson (author of snow falling on cedars. yum yum)

speaking of yum yum, i watched where the heart is again with my mom tonight. forney hull, yum yum. think thats pathetic? my moms even funnier. we went to friendlys tonight after she picked me up from work. our waiter was joshua. the service was terrible. but we both agreed he was really cute, and he apologized a lot, so he got a nice tip.

bought my mendhi kit at zany brainy today. yay.