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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-07-27 2:17 a.m.

Subj: (no subject)

Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 11:33:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time

From: parsley

To: arvianna

update your freaking journal, ya loser. it's been almost two weeks. do you know how long that is in summer time?

::sighs:: fine@ i was gonna do it before i got your email anyway. but i think the fact that i havent posted in two weeks shows what progress ive made on my relaxation quest. very little if i dont even have the time any more to sit down and post here. i think my little foray to philadelphia helped a little bit, especially my morning spent in the art museum. and then two days at zany brainy felt like nothing. but my first six hour shift at giant hit me like a ton of bricks. i cant stand that job anymore. theres just no challenge to it at all, im nothing better than a uscan machine, friendly voice and all....especially since i refuse to bag. i hate bagging. ::sighs:: anyway. nope, havent succeeded much on the relaxation front. except for one thing. i have managed to sit and watch tv for tvs sake a little more often. i have finally realized that i do get the cartoon network at my moms house ((yay!)) and ive rented and watched a few movies with friends....a clockwork orange, clerks, hopefully princess mononoke tomorrow, but tongiht it was THE CROW: SALVATION. and YES, it was GOOD! i thought it was great. and you know why? because the people who made it actually read the original graphic novel by jobarr. one of the lines in there could only be recognized by a true crow fan...and i caught it without hesitation. unlike the second crow film, this one had acting, plot, and it wasnt ORANGE! i think what made it really great was the way it combined attributes of the familiar (the first crow movie, the original concept graphic novel) with a fresh new plot and real suspense. you knew who he was going to kill, but you didnt always know why, and they hid who the man at the top was until the end. ooooh, it was great, incredible, very very awesome! such a shame it went direct to video, and such a shame that the crow: city of angels was such a flop! the only real problems i had with salvation was they sometimes went overkill on the explosions and nudity. they blew up seven vehicles, when i was plenty impressed with two. i got the idea that the cops were evil when he assaulted the girls on the side of the road, i didnt need to see the live version of the porn web site that they run as well. but it wasnt as bad in that department as the second one, that was just gratuitous everything. i was quite impressed with the crow: salvation. but nothing can match the original..and nothing can match brandon lee.

"mine?" "forever." "only forever?" "forever...and ever."
